Human eye Anatomy.
Human eye is the most complex organ in the body. There are many working parts in the eye and its overall anatomy is very complicated. You can say that that human eye is just like a camera. Human consists of many parts. These parts are given below.
- Lens
- Posterior chamber
- Anterior Chamber
- Cornea
- Pupil
- Aqueous humor
- Iris
- Conjectiva
- Suspensory ligament zonules
- Ciliary body
All above mentioned parts are found the front side of eye and other parts which are found on the backside of the eye are given below.
- Lateral rectus muscle
- Sclera
- Choroids
- Retina
- Macula
- Fovea
- Optic nerve
- Optic nerve head
- Medial rectus muscle
- Vitreous body
Lateral rectus muscle and medial rectus muscle keeps the eye away from the nose. Lens is a spherical body in the eye. It is located behind the cornea that focuses light rays on the retina. Cornea is the clear part of the eye. It cover iris and pupil. Pupil is the round dark center of the eye. It opens and closes to regular the amount of light. Aqueous humor is a fluid in front of the eye between the cornea and the iris. It provides nutrients to cornea and the lens. Colored part of the eye surrounding the pupil is called iris. Sclera is the outer coat of the eye ball. It forms the visible white of the eye. It surrounds the optic nerve at the back of the eyeball. Layers of blood vessels located between the sclera and the retina is called choroid. Retina receives the image formed by the lens and convert it to signals that reach the brain by way of the optic nerve. Macula helps to see objects with extreme detail.
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